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Topic - New chapter unfolds - Parkinson's and Essential Tremor are now treatable!!

Date - 18 Oct 2024

Time - 4:30 PM onwards

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Life is all about fun, smiles, and shaking hands...

A complete guide on Essential Tremors & its treatment in India

What are Essential Tremors???

Essential tremors are a neurological disorder that causes involuntary shaking. It is also known as benign essential tremor, familial essential tremor, and hereditary essential tremor. The symptoms of this condition include:

  • The person may experience shaking in their hands, arms, legs, head, or voice.
  • They may find it challenging to perform tasks that require precise motor skills.
  • Coordination may also be affected.
  • The tremors may intensify when the person is tired or stressed.
  • The tremors may be more pronounced at night or during stressful situations.

Numerous therapeutic options exist for managing essential tremors, including medications and surgical procedures. Medication treatments aim to mitigate symptom severity, whereas surgical interventions offer the potential to completely alleviate tremor manifestations.

What is Parkinson’s disease???

Parkinson's disease stems from a malfunction in the central nervous system, originating from the degeneration of the substantia nigra within the basal ganglia of the brain, resulting in insufficient dopamine production. While typically affecting individuals over the age of 65, symptoms may manifest earlier, even before reaching 50. The prevalence appears to be higher in men than in women. Common indicators include sluggish movement, rigidity, and challenges with balance and coordination, progressively worsening over time. Research suggests a hereditary component in certain cases, while others are linked to specific gene mutations.

Difference between Essential Tremors & Parkinson's???

Parkinson’s is less common and both are remarkably different from each other. Let’s look into the differences-

  • Parkinson’s felt in rest position while essential tremor in moving.
  • Parkinson’s starts on one side of the body and may develop on another side of the body and in essential tremors, it mostly affects both side of the body from starting.
  • In Parkinson’s slow movements (bradykinesia), and rigidity (stiffness) are seen also as problems while walking or balancing. But slowness, stiffness, walking and balance problems are not commonly seen in essential tremors. 
  • The writing of a person becomes slow and small in Parkinson’s while it becomes large in essential tremors.
  • Parkinson’s does not affect the voice box but essential tremor does.


Since distinguishing between Parkinson’s and essential tremors is difficult one can distinguish but has to be confirmed by the doctor before taking any medicine or treatment.

Are you looking for consultation for Essential Tremor & Parkinson's Disease Treatment


“the fact that there are data suggesting that males (XY chromosomes) are twice as likely to show early symptoms of ET in childhood than females (XX chromosomes),”

― Mark Plumb

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The information provided here should not be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician. Please consult with your physician or clinic for diagnosis and treatment.