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Understanding Essential Tremors: Causes, Symptoms, & Diagnosis...

Imagine going about your daily activities, only to find your hands uncontrollably trembling as you try to perform simple tasks like holding a cup or writing a note.


100+ Treaments

Milestone Achievement - Completion of 100 MRgFUS Treatments...

Exablate Neuro is changing neurosurgery by offering an incisionless treatment option for essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson's disease patients. MRgFUS is a non-invasive therapeutic technology that combines MRI imaging to precisely target and treat various medical conditions with focused ultrasound waves that ablate deep brain targets with no surgical incisions. 


Medical tourism in India

Medical tourism

in India...

Medical tourism is a fast-rising sector in India, with individuals from all over the world increasingly opting to go to India for medical treatment. There are various reasons for this trend, including India's high-quality healthcare facilities, reduced medical procedure costs compared to Western countries, and the availability of highly qualified and experienced medical experts.

Essential Tremors Awareness

Essential Tremor Awareness...

Shaking of hands while holding a coffee cup, trembling while applying makeup, and difficulty while dealing with machinery are pretty common observations.

Coping Strategies for Living with Essential Tremors

Coping Strategies for Living with Essential Tremors...

You may all benefit from learning how to deal with difficult emotions and situations, but those who suffer from essential tremors should focus in particular on this skill. 

Parkinson's Disease - Effects on caregivers...

Parkinson's is a disease that can affect every relationship the patient has, be it friends, partners, children and colleagues. Lower self-esteem can cause you to withdraw from any relationship.

Thriving with Parkinson’s at an older age…

Shaking legs, arms etc may be a sign of Parkinson’s disease. However, they all are symptoms of essential tremors. Or we can say tremors often are the first symptoms of Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s disease is a central nervous system disorder caused when the basal ganglia part of the brain nerve cell can’t produce enough dopamine. People after 65 years of age are most likely to have this disease although symptoms are visible before the onset of their 50s.

Essential Tremors

Essential Tremor: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment...

Shaking of hands while holding a coffee cup, trembling while applying makeup, and difficulty while dealing with machinery, all of are pretty common observations. Scientifically known as “essential tremor”, this is a neurological problem, that leads to rhythmic shaking of various body parts.

Is Parkinson’s disease preventing you from sleeping

Is Parkinson’s disease preventing you from sleeping...

A night of good sleep is what we all want but for people with Parkinson’s, sleep becomes more crucial, since the body needs more time to recover and repair itself. Your health, mood, and overall quality of life can all be impacted by sleep disruption. Parkinson’s and sleep are interrelated and comprise all sleep-related disorders.

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